The view of the Earth from space pushes us to be better people

The view of the Earth from space pushes us to be better people

One of the reasons why I love space is because I am fascinated by the idea that technology could help humankind to exceed its apparent limits. When I was a child, a man flying or walking in a so hostile environment was very inspiring for me. More I studied aerospace...
CEOs, if your company was on fire, what would you save?

CEOs, if your company was on fire, what would you save?

If we ask to a CEO what the most important thing in their company is, probably the answer will be one of these two: –      The product/service; –      The employees. Now, if we change a little bit the question and we ask CEOs what the biggest priority is,...
How a 200-page annual report can help you find investors

How a 200-page annual report can help you find investors

Honestly, it cannot! Have you ever fully read yours? So, why should other people read something you do not even like? If you ask an investor what he/she looks for, you will receive an answer like this: “What we want to know simply isn’t in there (ndr. annual report)....
Sustainability does not mean social/environment-friendly, but …

Sustainability does not mean social/environment-friendly, but …

“Sustainability” does not necessarily mean “to respect the environment and the society”. Indeed, an energy company might profitably sustain itself extracting and selling fossil fuels for many years, without necessarily considering its impacts on global warming or...
Integrated Reporting Meets Angel Investing

Integrated Reporting Meets Angel Investing

I always hated finance because in this sector people are only focused on numbers and on gaining more without a real interest in what they are buying or selling. A domain where speculation has a dominant role, shareholders are just interested in making a quick and...
Sustainability does not mean social/environment-friendly, but …

The Best Way to Approach a Business Angel

Talking with several entrepreneurs, and aspiring too, I often get questions about business angels like these: What if he/she wants to control the company? What if he/she does not allow me to do what I want to do? What if we have different and incompatible visions? And...
A Start-up Is an Egg

A Start-up Is an Egg

“A start-up is an egg” – I made the picture below when I was at EBAN and it shows the three main elements of a company: the idea (or better the product/service), the team and the execution. As we know, they are equally important to reach the success. But,...
For Men Only

For Men Only

Few days ago, I had a chat with a friend of mine about how it was going. I do not remember how, but the topic moved on women and she told me some stories where she was treated as an office’s decoration or, worse, a toy. These stories shocked me because I have never...
Sustainability does not mean social/environment-friendly, but …

Happy New Year! 2018

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it present” – Master Oogway. I wish you all a great 2018! A new years full of opportunities begins: we do not know what is going to happen, but if we work with...